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North Shore Homelessness Community Action Strategy

The North Shore Homelessness Task Force (Task Force) is an open service network on the North Shore that works together to address issues relating to homelessness and poverty on the North Shore. The Task Force focuses on areas related to support services, communications and information, and advocacy. Working in a partnership with Roots & Rivers, our team conducted extensive research and leveraged existing programs and services that take place in the community to facilitate focus groups and 1-on-1 storytelling sessions to inform a situation analysis and action strategy.


The situation analysis created an equity-based foundation of understanding from which the Task Force could strategize moving forward. Paired with the community action strategy, this project empowered the Task Force to continue their work in a more coordinated and human-centred way.


Community engagement; situation analysis report; Task Force strategic planning workshop; homelessness community action strategy; relationship map.

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